July 26, 2011 – CT Scan Results

We met with Dr. Knight Ellen’s oncologist today.  Pretty good news all around. 

The CT Scan indicates that the lung masses have been reduced in size but that’s all it said on the report (a one-liner).  Dr. Knight was disappointed at the scant description in that there was no numerical comparison with the previous CT Scan in the report, and he is going to have it revised once the senior Radiologist is back from vacation.  But he was encouraged by what he read and so were we.  Actually, we were very encouraged. 

He definitely wants to proceed with 4-6 chemo treatments she has had 2 so far).  We asked if it would be OK to delay the next one because Andrew is coming home on Saturday the 30th; he will only be here for one week and Ellen did not want to be in a fog the whole time.  We expected push back on this, but Dr. Knight said “no problem.  Since the cancer is already metastasized (i.e. the horse is out of the barn), there’s no problem with a small delay”.  So, we scheduled Chemo #3 for August 8.

She weighed in at 95 lbs which is a 3 lb increase!  An amazing feat and a tribute to all of the help we’ve had with meals – thank you for all of them!  An extra week delay in the Chemo schedule will also give her that much more time to eat well. 

On a personal note, I’m working about half-time for now which is enabling us to spend more time together.  It’s a little disappointing to see how quickly we tend to fall into old habits as her body recovers from the chemo treatments, but we have also enjoyed some of the best and deepest talks and prayer times that we have had for  a long time.  It occurs to me that we are experiencing the Romans 8:28 effect in almost realtime rather than having to wait so long to see how God uses a tough situation in our lives.  I am not saying to myself “well, one day (probably in heaven), we’ll see why God brought this evil thing into our lives”.  I am already experiencing some of the benefits of His sovereign and omnipotent ability to turn evil to good.  Obviously, that feeling/understanding comes and goes, but I’ll take it when I can get it.  Thank you for all your prayers and many demonstrations of love!!

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12 Responses to July 26, 2011 – CT Scan Results

  1. Stephanie Garvey says:

    Praising and thanking God with you (and with tears of joy streaming down) — your praises are all the things that we specifically prayed about today to be evident in Ellen’s DR visit: reduced size of cancer, weight gain, a more personable interaction from the DR, the ability to delay chemo in order to enjoy Andrew’s homecoming, and for you all to be encouraged. Oh, to battle with you in prayer — though you must be on the front lines, we are right there behind you (your reinforcements, if you will). Continuing to pray fervently and without ceasing for each of you by name, and grateful for the beautiful and intricate picture your lives draw of our Living Christ. Much love to you all,

  2. Dolly Myers says:

    Singing the doxology and lovin’ those three extra pounds, sweet chemo-free week with Andrew, happy CT scan news, and YAY a job that lets Rick focus on the most important things. YAY. Praise God from whom all blessings flow …..

    • ellen says:

      In those blessings, not the least of which are loving praying friends like you. take a moment and praise God Himself for the part of His body that you are. I think you are the reason for the successful blood work and tumor markers and my willingness to -just-eat-the-food-honey. you don’t have to want to- you just have to do it!
      thanks Doll!

  3. Anne says:

    Ellen, having just read this entire blog for the first time, I’m so touched by the gift of your thoughts and praises to God through this whole process. Thank you for sharing your deepest struggles that we might grapple with those things with you. I’m blessed to be your friend and to have the privilege to pray earnestly for you and your dear family. Thankful for your good news today!
    Love to you,

  4. Patti Floyd says:

    What a wonderful note of great news!! May God’s name be magnified!!!! I am jumping for joy with happiness!! I am just enjoying this goodness and I hope you are too! Love, Patti

  5. Beckie Childress says:

    Yes, Lord! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I’m so thankful to hear this good news from the oncologist! Thank you for the privilege of standing with you and praying with you through this time of trial. I appreciate your blog entries so much; they do point me to Christ. Also, I have to tell you that every time I hear the song “Blessings” on the radio I think of you, Ellen. I thought of you when we sang it during worship this past Sunday, too.

    “We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
    Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
    We pray for healing, for prosperity
    We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering

    All the while, You hear each spoken need
    Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

    Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
    What if Your healing comes through tears
    What if a thousand sleepless nights
    Are what it takes to know You’re near?

    What if trials of this life
    Are Your mercies in disguise?”

    I think you are seeing the “mercies in disguise” that many people miss.
    Love you,

  6. Anne Anthony says:

    We’re doing that song in our worship service this week, as well! God is good!

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