Alive and Well! Thank you.

You wonderful friends are asking me what is new and where is my blog update. Thanks for the kickinthepants and regrets for procrastinating on writing to you.
No medical news is available until my oncology visit on Jan. 30; we are down to quarterly checkups now. But based on how wonderful I feel and asymptomatic I am, we expect the cancer will have further retreated if not disappeared.  That was a remarkable thing to write.

Do we know how every new moment and every person are treasures? It is a starkly aware thing to ponder; doing it means we are alive and are Image bearers.  Shiver.  Be reverent and vervy.

So yes, my hair is back, long enough to wear and insanely curly. I dyed it red. It is too easy, as there is nothing which can be done with it whatsoever.  I must hydrate well; drink 3 glasses of water on rising and a total of 8 per day. New diet rules include fruits, sweet potatoes, rice (YAY) and eat more vegetables than animal products.  Gaining weight continues to challenge me, though energy and stamina are excellent. Visits to our naturopath are always encouraging- this must be his mission statement. Living Well Studio ( offers scripture-infused exercise in a body and mind connection.  This is one of the best things which has ever happened to me. Please join us, Saturday mornings, 9:00, Columbia Presbyterian, the Living Well class.
I am completing an online course with Christian Counseling Education Foundation. It is Paul Tripp teaching his book, Instruments in the Hands of the Redeemer and the course is called Methods Of Biblical Change. This explains where my writing has gone.  It is the Gospel remixed, up-close-and-personal to a heart that is more receptive due to the real threat of dying. (  Flower work carries on and just as you challenged me to blog, another dark closet of procrastination is that of creating Petals & Stone’s web site. OK! I will.  I have two delightful flower jobs this weekend.
Our adult children are doing quite well. Each one is dealing with challenges life offers, respectively: college, pre-internship suspense, new job, finally coming home from Afghanistan next month and finally getting him home!  Christmas and New Year’s were more wonderful than ever- we all just love our fireside, house, Christmas tree, friends, food and the Savior whom all of this celebrates.
Rick is steady; as wonderful as ever. He works all-the-time, reads, emails everyone, inspects with panache, runs Highland Home Inspections, is finishing the punch list at church, helps to shepherd our church and keeps his wonderful humor alive. Mostly, he loves me tenderly and fathers the children. Those are holy gifts, indeed.
So if you have a friend with cancer, here is the straight skinny. Tell them to stop sugar, hydrate aggressively, alkalinize and seek the care of a homeopath or naturopath to accompany the traditional medical care they seek.  There is a wealth of ability and information to stop cancer.  Get them in touch with me if you want.

Thank You for everything!



goin' to parties, livin' life!


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5 Responses to Alive and Well! Thank you.

  1. Jill Colvin says:

    Dan was just asking after you the other day….you sound fantastic and you inspire me!

    • Hi Dan and Jill!
      Just saw again this morning (ps 119, 90, 91) all things are God’s servants. It puts a different spin on how we tend to think [wrongly].
      i hope you two have a wonderful new year, starting with this very day.

    • Tatiana Pham says:

      You look beautiful!!! thank you for inspiring me to do better things. Our prayers are always with you. Love,
      Tatiana Pham and Family

  2. Ginger says:


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